AVETRA's 26th Annual Conference 
"Impetus and Impact: Research that challenges and Shapes VET policy and practice"
will be held at the University of Technology Sydney
 3 and 4 October 2024 

Join us as we bring together leading scholars, policymakers, and practitioners to explore cutting-edge studies and dynamic solutions that redefine the future of VET. Engage with thought-provoking sessions, network with industry pioneers, and be part of the conversation that sets new standards in VET excellence. 


Vocational Education & Training (VET)

Impetus and Impact: Research that Challenges and Shapes VET Policy and Practice

As we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Kangan Report, our conference theme calls for a reflective and forward-looking dialogue on the role of vocational education and training (VET) in shaping our economic and social landscapes, especially in the context of a more integrated tertiary sector. This theme is a call to action for educators, policymakers, industry leaders, and researchers to share insights, challenges, and innovations. It celebrates research as a catalyst for significant educational and workforce development outcomes, offering a bridge from historical milestones to future aspirations. In celebrating the legacy of the Kangan Report, which championed rigorous research and academic distinction, we delve into the symbiotic relationship between empirical evidence and its practical implementation. This examination is particularly crucial to foster a more nuanced, evidence-driven understanding of vocational learning's potential to shape futures that acknowledges the unique characteristics and demands of VET.

KEynote speakers

Professor Barney Glover AO

Commissioner of Jobs and Skills Australia 

Professor Barney Glover, AO, began his five-year term as Commissioner of Jobs and Skills Australia on 15 April 2024.

Professor Glover is a distinguished academic leader, an accomplished mathematician and mathematics educator with significant experience in developing strong relationships with the vocational education sector. He is well respected for his engagement with First Nations Australians and disadvantaged communities.

He was Vice-Chancellor and President of Western Sydney University for ten years, from 2014-24, and in 2019 was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia for distinguished service to tertiary education, professional associations and cultural organisations. In 2015, Professor Glover was awarded the title of Emeritus Professor for his outstanding leadership whilst Vice-Chancellor of Charles Darwin University from 2009 to 2013.

Professor Glover previously held the roles of:

  • Chair of Universities Australia (2015-2017)
  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research at the University of Newcastle
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research and Development at Curtin University

Professor Glover is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (FTSE), a Fellow of the Royal Society of NSW (FRSN), and a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (MAICD).

He has served on the boards of a diverse range of corporate organisations and several state and national centres covering areas such as health and medical research, energy, mineral exploration, and telecommunications.

Adjunct Professor Bob Boughton

University of New England

Bob Boughton is an Adjunct Professor of Education at the University of New England in Armidale NSW. From 2009 until 2020, he was the academic lead on a longitudinal study of the conduct and impact of mass literacy campaigns in First Nations communities. Since 2022, he has been a member of the Foundation Skills Advisory Group to the Commonwealth Minister for Skills and Training.


Reach the leading researchers, VET practitioners and leaders, education policy makers and representatives from industry, unions and employers in Australia and New Zealand. Position your company as an advocate and thought leader in the sector.

Contact our Chair Linda Simon via AVETRA for more information.


AVETRA 24 is organised by the Australasian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA),  with the support of FineHaus


AVETRA Secretariat
+61 3  3 8658 6641


Conference Chair
Linda Simon

Conference Administration

AVETRA Website
