Wednesday, 28 October 2020


via Zoom


1.00pm - 2.00pm


In this session Chris will introduce 10 principles of coaching that may not be immediately obvious. The session will be low tech and full of anecdotes and stories that may be useful for HR professionals supporting law firms. It’s hoped that by the end of the session, participants will have reframed how coaching can be applied in firms and how they can contribute to using coaching to create more effective work outcomes.  

Chris Corneil
BA, MBA, MSc (Co. Psych.), FAICD

Partner | eci partners

As a highly accomplished coach, consultant and advisor, Chris draws on his unique mix of executive and leadership experience, and extensive education to help senior executives and their teams optimize and improve organizational performance.

With a positive psychology and strengths-based approach, Chris coaches and advises both individuals and teams to achieve the change they need to get the impact they want. He builds on his own experience as a successful CEO of a multi billion-dollar investment management business and insights from a 30+ year career as an executive, coach and consultant.

Boards, CEOs and senior executives trust Chris for his insights, candour, sensitivity and confidentiality. His expertise is recognised as a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (FAICD).

With a BA (UWO, Canada), MBA (AGSM) and Master of Coaching Psychology (Sydney University),Chris uses evidence-based approaches and the latest research on effective change in complex and uncertain environments in working with leaders.

Having arrived from Canada at the age of twenty-two with an empty backpack, Chris understands the drive and challenges of individuals who seek to grow and achieve personal and business success and is generous in sharing what he has learned.

Chris is co-owner of eci partners. He is also a Non-Executive Director of Street Work Limited and shares his expertise to help at-risk Australian youths turn their lives around.