AVETRA CONFERENCE 2024 – SCHOLARSHIPS for Victorian Early Career Researchers

The Victorian Skills Authority (VSA) and AVETRA are excited to announce a new initiative as part of our shared commitment to develop and support applied research capacity and capability in the VET sector.

Two VSA-AVETRA scholarships will be provided to Victorian early career VET researchers (or researchers who focus on VET as their subject matter, or practitioners seeking to transition to more research-focused roles) to attend the 2024 AVETRA Conference (to be held in Sydney on 3-4 October 2024).

Each scholarship package will include a financial component of $2,000 plus a ticket to the conference and in-kind contributions from AVETRA.


Scholarship recipients will each receive $2,000 to cover travel and other costs associated with attending the conference. They will each also receive a ticket to AVETRA’s 2024 annual conference.

Through consultation between AVETRA and the scholarship recipients, additional opportunities for capability development may be created, such as:

  • Dedicated one-on-one meeting time at the conference with a leading researcher, AVETRA member or conference speaker
  • Opportunity to participate in a panel discussion at a future AVETRA conference
  • Support in preparing an abstract for a future AVETRA conference
  • The preparation of a short reflective piece on the conference for a future edition of the AVETRA magazine, Research Today. 
  • Support in preparing an abstract for a future edition of Research Today.

Funds will be paid as an up-front lump sum and scholarship recipients will be responsible for making their own travel and accommodation bookings.


To apply for a VSA – AVETRA Scholarship you must:
  • Be a paid up AVETRA member
  • Be an early career researcher or VET practitioner researcher, researching VET or VET-aligned issues
  • Be an Australian citizen or have Australian work rights
  • Live and work in Victoria


Within 4 weeks of attending the conference, scholarship recipients commit to providing a written reflective report back to the VSA and AVETRA covering:
  • Your key highlights / takeaways from the conference
  • How attendance at the conference has / will shape your research practice
  • How you have started to share your learnings from the conference with your peers / colleagues.

Your report may – by agreement – form the basis of a paper for AVETRA’s Research Today magazine.


Applicants must complete the application form below and provide the following information:
  • Evidence of meeting the eligibility criteria
  • A reflective written piece covering:
    - Your research career / research trajectory to date
    - Evidence of research activity and dissemination
    - How your research / research practice would benefit from attending the conference
    - How you intend to disseminate what you learn at the conference to your peers and colleagues.

Applications open on Monday 5 August and will close on Friday 30th  August.

Applications will be judged by representatives of VSA and AVETRA, against the published criteria. No further correspondence will be entered into.

Successful applicants will be notified by Friday 6 September.



AVETRA 24 is organised by the Australasian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA),  with the support of FineHaus


AVETRA Secretariat
+61 3  3 8658 6641


Conference Chair
Linda Simon

Conference Administration

AVETRA Website
