Wednesday October 2nd

 3pm - 5pm

University of Technology Sydney, Building 10, Level 14, Rooms 201 & 203

Concurrent Workshop 1

VOCEDplus just got even better: discover the new .... as well as the old

Presented by Rose-Anne Polvere

 VOCEDplus has recently undergone a refresh resulting in a more enriching experience for users. NCVER's international tertiary education database has improved existing functionality and added new features.

This presentation will take you through the enhancements:

  • improved navigation
  • better ways to search and work with your search results
  • new features that will save you time and effort.

And show you how to use:

  • My Profile: log in to gain full access to all new features
  • Search history and saved searches: seamlessly retain your search progress across sessions and save searches to run them again
  • Emails alerts
  • My Selection folders: to organise, save, and categorise items for future reference with ease.

 VOCEDplus also plays an important role as archive of the VET sector. Released in 1974, the Kangan report kicked off a period that was known as the 'golden age’. We'll show you the tips and tricks for finding all VOCEDplus content relating to the Kangan report, including review and reflection documents, and it’s place on the Landmark documents timeline as part of the VET Knowledge Bank.

 So, join us as we show you these strategies for maximizing your online experience with VOCEDplus!

Concurrent Workshop 2

‘Managing a higher Degree by Research’.

Presented by Dr Llandis Barratt-Pugh and Dr Natasha Arthars

Bring Us Your HRD Problems!

Llandis Barratt-Pugh and Natasha Arthars.

This is a worksop for anyone who is, or might be, a Higher Degree by Research candidate.

What is a key issue you have or are experiencing in your Honours, Masters, Professional Doctorate or PhD?

We are Doctors and may be able to solve your problems! Seriously, a safe space to discuss issues and fears and to get some strategies for actions. We can share experiences and build confidence. We each jump into new territory and this session may help put some signpost and tracks in the wilderness ahead.  

Natasha is a Phd supervisor with students at QUT. She is the first in her family to do a higher degree and completed two Masters as well as her Phd exploring the construction of knowledge and skills. Her PhD journey included grappling with family disruptions and deaths during the pandemic, spending time as a visiting scholar in the US, presenting at conferences in Europe and publishing journal articles and book chapters

Llandis followed his mother and wife into a PhD, where he evaluated and defined best practice in the Frontline Management Initiative, the first training package. Llandis had to manage the birth of twins during his PhD. Since then as supervisor, examiner As. Dean research, and Graduate School research lecturer he has engaged with the issues hundreds of HDR candidates at two Universities.


 In 100 words introduce e yourself and your research – this is how we will start…..

 My Research: in 100 words:

 I am. …..I work at …..i am enrolled at……my research focus is……my current issue is……



AVETRA 24 is organised by the Australasian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA),  with the support of FineHaus


AVETRA Secretariat
+61 3  3 8658 6641


Conference Chair
Linda Simon

Conference Administration

AVETRA Website