

Craig Robertson 

CEO, Victorian Skills Authority 

The authority is tasked by the Victorian Government to plan for post school education and training to support a growing economy and good jobs for Victorians.

Prior to this role Craig was the CEO of TAFE Directors Australia, representing all Australian TAFEs.  He also has over 30 years of service in the Commonwealth Government and the Victorian government in 2015 and 2016 in covering schools funding, employment policy and tertiary education.

In 2024 Craig led work on VET qualifications reform, which was accepted by skills ministers for implementation from 2025.

Craig holds an Executive Masters in Public Administration and Bachelor of Education (Primary). 

Claire Field

Principal, Claire Field and Associates

Claire is the Principal of Claire Field and Associates, an independent consulting practice offering advice across VET, international education, higher education and GenAI/EdTech issues.  

Claire previously held senior positions in the NSW and Australian governments, as well as in TAFE NSW and Mission Australia. She also served as the CEO of the Australian Council for Private Education and Training.   

Claire is a member of the Australian government’s Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Advisory Group and in 2023 was awarded the International Education Association of Australia’s (IEAA) Excellence in Professional Commentary Award. Claire is the host of the ‘What now? What next? Insights into Australia’s tertiary education sector’ podcast, and is undertaking a PhD at Torrens University writing the history of the university’s first 10 years


AVETRA 25 is organised by the Australasian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA),  with the support of FineHaus


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