

Wednesday April 2nd

 1pm - 3pm

Catholic Leadership Centre, Melbourne

Concurrent Workshop 1

Emerging Researchers in VET: Challenges and Strategies for First-Time Researchers (AQF 6–8 Focus)

Facilitated by Yan Zhou

In this workshop, experienced VET practitioner researchers with an AQF 6-8 focus will share their insights and facilitate discussions on key aspects of VET research, specifically tailored for first-time researchers. Participants will benefit from valuable peer-to-peer learning and networking opportunities, guided by those who have navigated the research journey themselves. 

Target audience: VET practitioners undertaking or planning to undertake AQF Level 6–8 qualifications in VET teaching and andragogy with a research component.

Key topics will include:

  • Navigating VET research for first-time researchers
  • Selecting and refining research topics
  • Developing a research proposal
  • Sourcing, collecting, and using data
  • Overcoming challenges and developing strategies
  • Showcasing research through conferences and publications
  • Applying research findings to influence and improve workplace practices

Concurrent Workshop 2

What We Have Learned About Completing a VET Higher Degree by Research? (AQF 9–10 Focus) 

Facilitated by Dr Llandis Barratt-Pugh and Steven Hodge

This interactive, participatory workshop invites participants to reflect on their HDR journeys, sharing both struggles and successes. Through discussions, participants will extract key learning points to contribute to the AVETREA community and guide future HDR candidates. They will have the opportunity to pass on their wisdom, helping others avoid the “snakes” and find the “ladders” in their own HDR journey. Reflecting on roadblocks faced, how they were overcome, and key “Eureka” moments will offer valuable insights for those starting or progressing through their HDR experience. 

Target Audience: Individuals who are considering enrolling in a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) at AQF 9 – 10 levels, currently enrolled as HDR candidates, have completed an HDR, or have supervised HDR candidates.

Key topics will include:

  • Exploring options for HDR
  • Struggles and breakthroughs in the HDR journey
  • Managing the current HDR path
  • Reflecting on completed theses
  • Advice and strategies to overcome common roadblocks
  • Gathering insights to support new HDR candidates
  • Mentoring opportunities and critical friend relationships
  • Supervising and learning from HDR candidates’ successes and struggles
  • Discussing critical experiences and extracting key learning issues
  • Sharing maxims, aphorisms, and truths with the VET research community


AVETRA 25 is organised by the Australasian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA),  with the support of FineHaus


AVETRA Secretariat
+61 3  3 8658 6641


Conference Administration

AVETRA Website
